Wednesday, 1 August 2012

The causes of Transvestic Fetishism Part I Idolatory

I am the Lord Your God, thou shalt not have strange Gods before me.

Idolatory and the Transvestic Fetish

In my experience one of the causes of my transvestic fetish was an idolatry of the female form. My way out of the fetish addiction was strongly connected to abandoning my idolatry and worshipping God from the heart again.
Before I give you the details, my friend, I want you to know that of course the female form is beautiful and I don’t advocate that you never look and appreciate the beauty of a female. Just don’t do so in such a way that you burn with lust, that it does not blind you to the deeper realities of your existence of who you are and where you are going.

You shall love God with all your heart all your mind and all your strength and you shall love your neighbour as yourself..

We must not forget our real identity for a fraud based on a lust. We must remember that we are men of great value made in the image and likeness of God.  To him is owed homage first before all creatures and things.

Sowing Lust, Reaping the Disorder of Idolatory

Dwelling excessively on the image of the female is what the idolater does. In his head he has made an image of an idealized female form to be the supreme good. Everything else including his God takes second place. This does not happen in a day or from one direct decision but slowly and imperceptibly by the thoughts and acts and the values he ascribes to things in the world. It is greatly speeded up by the imagery that goes on in the mind.

For surely, it is what comes out of our hearts that defiles us. Jesus taught that we should not even look at a woman lustfully. Our Lord Jesus Christ counselled that doing so is a sin of the same gravity of adultery. As we sow so shall we reap.  We have sown bad images and thoughts in our mind and have reaped an addiction. We have treated the image as a God, a councillor, a healer when it was none of those things. Therefore let us cast off all dependency on the image and trust only in God himself.

We become slaves to what we love, Love Wisely Then!

This malady, this affliction starts with Lust, an unhealthy longing to possess the object of desire, rapidly descends to sexual addiction and finally idolatry. The subject will dwell inordinately on the female form seeing in it some kind of ultimate end. He will use the image as a panacea for all his anger, anxieties and difficulties. Pornography masturbation and fantasies will in the beginning be a soothing medication from difficulties. Soon though he will lose control and eventually progress to idolatory. What do we mean by idolatry? We mean that:

The transvestism fetishist fantasizes about not only possessing what he desires but also becoming what he desires.

In short his perverse desire to possess means that he becomes possessed. St. Augustine said we have as many masters as we have vices. Sin is slavery. The Transvestic Fetishist loses possession of himself because he loves something more than himself. But the only object worthy of loving more than himself is God (and through God his neighbour)

It seems to be a universal law that we become like what we love. As the intensity of our love increases so do we become a slave to what we love. We worship what we love. Let us be cautious then about what we love and always give it an importance according to its true worth. God does not need our worship but it is good for us to worship him as he is our greatest good.

Let us love wisely then, let our first thoughts be about God and after true charity to our brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting opinion. Have you left behind the fetish?
