Saturday, 4 August 2012

Porn Addiction and Transvestic Fetish Addiction Core similarities

Fallen Sparrow: "What I Wish I'd Known Before Watching Porn" has an article on pornography that I brings a few relevant themes together for those of us dealing with transvestic fetish addictions and are the focus of my blog. Those themes are:
  1. That our perverse desires have their roots in pain and hurt in our past.
  2. Fantisizing or acting out our desires leads us down the slippery slope of every more extreme forms of induglement
  3. That this evil is a privation of the good within us
  4. That this evil must be fought with spiritual weapons, prayer, mass, confession.
A few choice quotes:
"I wish someone would have told me that the kind of pornography you're most turned on by is usually linked to a corresponding hurtful event in your life, further injuring your brokenness"
"I emerged from that realizing I wanted, above all things, to be liberated from the slavery and tyranny of sin, and that frequent, valid reception of the Sacraments was assurance of that liberation. I needed Christ, His forgiveness and mercy. I still struggled with my fantasies over the years; I came to see that my relationships, my relationship with B., and my fantasies were intimately tied to experiences from earlier in my life."
"In an article unrelated to pornography, but centrally discussing morality in general, Anthony Esolen reminds us that
"evil is like a progressive and deadly disease. To engage in an evil act, again and again, is more than the acquisition of a habit, which will make the same act easier and easier to commit, but which has no effect upon the person otherwise. If we accept the insight of the ancient Platonists—that evil as a thing-in-itself does not exist, but is instead a privation or a corruption of a good that should be there—then the turn toward evil is a turn toward non-being. To embrace evil at the core is, as it were, to riddle oneself with unreason, with nonexistence. It is to warp, to rot. "


  1. Hey Paul, great to have another man of God battling crossdressing. Thank you for starting up this site and linking to me and others. Together we can spur each other on and fight together and pray for each other. Check out my email prayer chain page, and I also have a post about the similarities between crossdressing and pornography that you may be interested in in light of this post you just made.

    I'll make a link to your site right now. So so glad to have you join us. It looks like you are Roman Catholic in your faith. I am protestant, but I'm sure we can agree on the fundamental basics of our Christian faith and teach each other many things.

    I like the last paragraph you have there. Didn't Augustine say something similar about evil being non-existence, non-being?
